About Me:
Where do I even begin?
Well, let’s see, I left a perfectly good job for what I thought was my dream job, only I got let go with a handful of other people three weeks later with no real explanation. Of course, I had my initial freak-out session, but it was time to refocus and figure out my next steps.
Each job rejection that I received felt like a massive slap in the face telling me I’m not good enough. But I’m curious to know, with two master’s degrees, several certifications, and 10+ years of marketing experience, if not me, then who is good enough?
After applying for almost 300 jobs, I was over it and done. I realized I was too busy trying to conquer the world on everyone else’s terms by getting people to like me and fit into their requirements and standards.
I guess you can say I decided to rebel and conquer the world on my terms at that moment, and…
Ms. Unapologetic was born.
Now let me be very clear from the start…
I am no longer going to shrink myself into society’s definition of “normal.” I don’t get embarrassed, so through my wild thoughts and actions, I want to be a voice for those of you who are too shy or too embarrassed to do and say what you want.
If just one person steps out of the box and frees themself from judgment, then the mission is accomplished..
I am not trying to be famous, and I am not trying to be an “influencer.” I want to be me, whatever that means, lol.
Most people are surprised to learn that I’m an introvert first and an extrovert second. When I am out of my house, I like to live in the moment and have fun, but most days, you will find me on the couch, cuddled up with my dog, watching a movie.
With all that said, I’m not here to tell you how to live your life; I’m here to tell you what works for me. I’m putting everything out into the universe, bringing you into my world, and hoping that the universe receives it. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏽