Life Hacks: Part 2

Life Hacks: 6-10

ms-unapologetic-lifestyle-blog-life-hacks-honey-plugin06. Honey Plugin

I discovered the Honey plugin years ago, and it has been the greatest thing since sliced bread. It’s super simple to use.

Here are the steps:

  1. Create a free account. 
  2. Add the plugin to your browser, it works for safari and chrome, or download the app to your phone. I don’t recommend adding the plugin to your phone browsers; I noticed it drastically slowed down my phone speed.
  3. Save instantly. When you get to the checkout screen of any website, the plugin will automatically search all available discount codes and plug them in for you. 

You earn Gold Rewards that you can redeem for cash, gifts, or PayPal shopping credits with every purchase. 

To get started, use my link below and receive 500 points instantly. No, I’m not an affiliate, and I’m not getting paid to post this. 

ms-unapologetic-lifestyle-blog-life-hacks-dont-know-what-to-wear07. Don’t Know What To Wear?

I have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear. Or should I say I never know what to wear? I use this little trick when I’m going someplace new, Get on Instagram and search the name of the restaurant, club, etc. Scroll over to the places tab and select the correct option. You will now see pictures taken by people who have visited, and you can figure out the proper attire. 

ms-unapologetic-lifestyle-blog-life-hacks-perfume08. How to Make Your Perfume Last Longer

If you are anything like me, once you have found your signature scent, you want it to leave a lasting impression and stay strong throughout the day. Take some Vaseline and apply it to your pulse points. This means your wrist, the back of your knees, the nape of your neck, and the inside of your elbows. The balm acts as an extra moisturizer to help lock in the scent.


Photo Credit:

09. Change Your Ceiling Fan Direction

I was shocked to learn this trick years ago and even more shocked to find out how many people didn’t know how versatile their ceiling fans actually are. Did you know that a ceiling fan can provide warm and cool air for your house during a season change? This is all done by simply changing the direction of your ceiling fan. Please don’t quote me on this, but it’s been said that it can save you money on your electricity bill. Turn your fan direction counter-clockwise during the summer months for a downdraft that gives you a cooling wind-chill effect. In the winter, do the opposite by having your ceiling fan rotate clockwise, providing you an updraft and warming the room.


Photo Credit:

10. Neosporin for Sensitive Ears

I’m not one to buy expensive jewelry, insert sugar daddy, or pay raise here. Jk, but not really, and sometimes I find myself being sensitive to earrings. While scrolling through the internet, I found a simple solution. Apply Neosporin to the ends of your earrings before putting them on, and the coating will act as a protective barrier.